Member Log-in allows all members of APA-NYM Chapter to add content to nyplanning.org website and purchase event tickets at member pricing.
Members login
APA-NYM Chapter members are added to the system when membership dues are paid. The same email address must be used. The “Members Login” button is located on the top right of the nyplanning.org page
- LOGGING IN FOR THE FIRST TIME? – If you’re already an APA member, you need only activate your account to gain access. To access your account, click on “Members Login” button on the top right of the nyplanning.org page, and:
- Reset your password by clicking the “Lost Your Password” link on the right side of the login window.
- Enter your email address and submit the form.
- You will receive an email from “nyplanning.org” with the link to reset your password. Check your spam or trash folders, or other appropriate folders generated within your email account, to find an email from nyplanning.org. Click the link and enter your desired password.
- Login with your new password.
- PASSWORD IS NOT WORKING? Click on “Lost Your Password” within the “Member Login” window (button to access it is located on the top of the nyplanning.org page). Alternatively, make a request HERE.
- STILL NEED ASSISTANCE? Contact secretary@nyplanning.org with your name, email, and APA membership number.
Members-added content
When logged-in as a member, you can add the content to the website for approval by the Communications Team. After approval, the content will be added to webpage content
- Events– follow the “Create an Event” in the left panel on the website, or access it HERE.
- Job Listing– follow the “Create a Job Listing” in the left panel on the website, or access it HERE
- Create a Post- follow the “Create a Post” link in “News and Articles” link on the top of the nyplanning.org website, or access it HERE
- Get involved– follow the “Get Involved” link on the top of the nyplanning.org website, or access it HERE