Congratulations to 2018 APA-NYM Chapter Awardees!

Each year, the APA-NYM Chapter bestows recognition on individuals, organizations, and projects that exemplify the best of the metropolitan region’s planning work. The awards are meant to highlight excellence in the field and inspire planners of the next generation.

The following are this year’s Awardees (click on each award to see the details):

  1. Lawrence M. Orton Award for leadership in city and regional planning: The D15 Diversity Plan
  2. Paul Davidoff Award for leadership in housing and equal opportunity: The Bushwick Community Plan
  3. Andrew Haswell Green Award to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions for a period of at least 15 years: Barry Dinerstein
  4. Meritorious Service or Achievement Award to recognize work of unusual merit or achievement: The Greater Nyack Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan
  5. William H. Whyte Award for creativity and ingenuity in planning: La Marqueta Concept Plan
  6. Student AwardsNicholas Johannes (Columbia University), Rebecca Pryor (Pratt Institute), Maggie Calmes (Hunter College), Sebastian Coss (New York University)
  7. Robert Ponte Award for excellence in planning/economic policy: Vicki Been, Faculty Director, NYU, Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy
  8. Floyd Lapp Award for service to the APA NYM Chapter: VP of Programs, Kovid Saxena, AICP, LEED AP, ENV SP