Call for Submissions for 2020 Awards

Nomination Deadline:  Nominations should be submitted to the Awards Committee by August 28, 2020 HERE

The Awards Committee welcomes nominations for the APA New York Metro Chapter’s Annual Awards. Each year, the APA New York Metro Chapter recognizes and celebrates individuals, organizations and projects which exemplify the best of show in planning in the region.

The Chapter recognizes a variety of achievements. The Chapter awards projects from planning veterans and innovative beginners, and from private practice, the public sector, community advocates, and non-profit leadership.

The Chapter makes awards in the following categories:

  1. Lawrence M. Orton Award for leadership in city and regional planning.
  2. Paul Davidoff Award for leadership in housing and equal opportunity.
  3. Andrew Haswell Green Award to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions for a period of at least 15 years.
  4. Meritorious Service or Achievement Award to recognize work of unusual merit or achievement.
  5. Journalism Award (for print, broadcast, or web-based work)
  6. William H. Whyte Award for creativity and ingenuity in planning.

Nomination Deadline: Nominations should be submitted to the Awards Committee by August 15, 2020 (

The Awards Ceremony will be announced at the NY Metro Chapter Annual Conference.

Nominations should include:

  • Your name and contact information
  • Name of nominated individual(s), organization or project and contact information
  • Category of an award nomination
  • A short narrative explanation for nomination