Hudson Valley West Section

Reg. Dir. Hudson Valley West (Term: 21-23)

The Hudson Valley West Section covers Orange, Rockland, Sullivan and Ulster Counties. We are working to create a local planning network spanning the vast region from the NYC Metro Area to parts of the Hudson Valley and Catskills. Our development goals include:

  • Provide timely and topical state of the art information on Chapter affairs, APA initiatives and interests, and on developments in planning
  • Enable a professional and social network of area planners and serve as a resource to them
  • Promote planning connections and awareness
  • Identify issues of local and regional interest, aiding education, dialogue and advocacy
  • Liaison with adjacent subsections and chapters, and the numerous Chapter committees
  • Position the Chapter and Section as the resource for planning in the region
  • Facilitate greater inter-sectoral collaboration and partnership with regional stakeholders

Outreach to members, ensure goals are met, and offering continuing education and support. We welcome ideas for future planning-related events and opportunities.

Please contact the Regional Director if you are interested in volunteering (or have questions, concerns, or all other needs)!

Lower Hudson Valley West Regional Director:
Maisha Tyler
(845) 392-3923