There are a wide range of thematic Committees in the APA NY Metro Chapter. The Committees offer an avenue for Chapter members to actively participate in the work of the Chapter.
What do the Chapter Committees do?
The Committees provide added value for Chapter members in a number of ways. In addition to supporting the Vice President of Programs and the Chapter’s Executive Committee in organizing the Annual Conference, Committees also plan topical events throughout the calendar year. With input from the Vice President of Professional Development, these events typically offer Certification Maintenance (CM) credits for AICP planners. Individual Committees are encouraged to collaborate with other Committees, the Chapter’s geographic Sections, APA National Divisions, and related professional organizations to offer inter-disciplinary programs with wide appeal to the Chapter membership. Furthermore, in collaboration with the Vice President of Intergovernmental Affairs, the Committees author and contribute to timely policy position statements on behalf of the Chapter membership.
In addition to the thematic Committees, the Chapter also offers an Awards Committee to identify Annual Chapter Awards for excellence in the practice of planning in the New York Metro area, as well as a Student Representative Committee (SRC) for graduate students.