Requests for Proposals Submit an RFP
Planning Consultant Services (Peekskill, NY)
The Department of Planning and Development of the City of Peekskill, New York, invites the submission of proposals for professional planning consultant services from qualified planning firms or individuals with experience in providing professional services to municipalities for planning-related work. This is an opportunity for a skilled planner(s) to contribute to an historic growing city in collaboration with the broader planning team while following a flexible work schedule.
To submit a response, provide two (2) hardcopies and one USB drive of your proposal no later than 11:00 a.m. on Friday, April 12, 2024 to: Office of the City Clerk, City of Peekskill City Hall, 840 Main Street, Peekskill, New York 10566. Proposals should be marked: Planning Consultant Services.
RFP for Preparation of the Town of Islip Comprehensive Plan Update
NOTICE PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that SEALED PROPOSALS must be received by the Town of Islip Office of Purchasing, at its office located at 401 Main Street, Room 227, Islip, New York, 11751 (rear entrance, 2nd floor, by the stairs), no later than 11:00 A.M. (prevailing time) on July 12, 2023, following which time they will […]
Rhode Island Statewide Complete Streets Plan
The Rhode Island Division of Statewide Planning (RIDSP), in cooperation with the Rhode Island Department of Transportation (RIDOT) and the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority (RIPTA), looks to solicit consultant assistance to develop a Statewide Complete Streets Plan.
New Cassel, NY: Brownfield Site Assessments, Site Cleanups, and Predevelopment Planning (Connectivity and Wayfinding) – RFQ
The Town’s Community Development Agency (CDA) and Planning Department seek qualifications from consultant teams demonstrating experience with brownfield site assessments, reuse planning, remediation, clean-up and other predevelopment services (connectivity and wayfinding planning), pursuant to the existing New Cassel Vision Plan.
Please view the Request for Qualifications for details. Submissions are due Thursday, June 15, 2023, 3PM.
RiverWalk Environmental Review and Design
Scenic Hudson is seeking the services of an environmental consulting firm to coordinate and produce all necessary materials for the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) environmental review for the Westchester RiverWalk Connection, a high-profile, multi-million-dollar trail connection project in Tarrytown, NY. This includes but is not limited to all environmental review documents, including, if an environmental impact statement is necessary, scoping documents, Draft and Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) chapters, and any assessments, including but not limited to, historic/archaeological, hazardous materials, transportation, noise/vibration, environmental justice, and natural resources assessments. The scope also includes any necessary meetings and coordination with the review agencies, both under SEQR and NEPA, and community stakeholders.
RFP for Professional Planning and Environmental Consulting Services for the City of Glen Cove Smart Growth Comprehensive Plan with Sustainability Elements
Deadline for Requests for Information (RFI): 4:00 p.m. on February 9, 2023. All questions/RFI will be received and answered on BidNet only.
Deadline for Submission of Proposals: 4:00 p.m. on February 28, 2023. Please submit your proposals electronically via the BidNet platform.
The RFP is available online at:
https://www.nyscr.ny.govThe RFP number for this solicitation is RFP#2023-001.
Village of Piermont Comprehensive Plan
The Village of Piermont will prepare a Comprehensive Plan to identify climate adaptation
strategies, policies and projects that may decrease coastal vulnerability- both short-term and
long-term- and mitigate the impact of climate change and sea level rise. The selected planning
firm will also update Village building and zoning codes to provide the guidelines for sustainable
development in light of climate change. The overall goal of the project is to develop guidelines
for a resilient, sustainable village.
Please email Ms. Jennifer DeYorgi Maher
Village Clerk/Treasurer
Village of Piermont
for a copy of the RFP
Closing Date 1025/22
478 Piermont Avenue
Piermont, New York 10968
Consultant RFP for Downtown Revitalization Initiative and New York Forward
The New York State Department of State (DOS), Office of Planning, Development and Community Infrastructure (OPDCI) is seeking proposals from consultants to provide planning services for the next five years for the following programs:
• The Downtown Revitalization Initiative (DRI) will provide $100 million in funding annually for 10 communities in all regions of the State to jump start revitalization of their downtown areas.
• The newly established New York Forward (NYF) will provide an additional $100 million in funding annually for up to 30 communities in all regions of the State to support revitalization of smaller and rural downtowns.
Proposals will be accepted until 11:59 pm on October 28, 2022. Questions regarding this RFP must be submitted by October 5, 2022, to the designated contact, identified in the RFP. Please see the full RFP, which can be found at for additional details.
When it comes to making an impact, the City of Cambridge offers an unparalleled opportunity to do so in our spectacular eastern shore community. Due to the City’s leadership direction and dedication to community the City of Cambridge is now seeking proposals for supportive services for its “Pine Street Historic District Small Area Plan”. The Small Area Plan shall provide a collaborative process to work together to improve the neighborhood and ensure a better future.
“The Pine Street Neighborhood Historic District comprises approximately 100 acres within the city of Cambridge, county seat of Dorchester County, Maryland. Centering on the triangle created by Pine, High, and Washington Streets, the district is characterized by a variety of commercial, residential, and religious building types that reflect the development of the predominantly African American community over a period of 150 years. The district retains an exceptionally large concentration of frame duplexes or gable-front houses originally occupied by workers of the city’s booming canning industry at the turn of the 20th century.
Transportation and Food Access in Westchester County
The Westchester County Planning Department, is seeking proposals from qualified vendors to conduct a transportation and food access study. The study will recommend changes and enhancements to transportation services and infrastructure, land use policies, and freight and food delivery policies that improve resident access to food in an identified underserved geographic area as well as provide more general recommendations county-wide.
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